Subpage – Fallback promo tiles

Posted on September 27, 2010

Homepage – Promo Tiles

Posted on September 27, 2010


Posted on September 25, 2010

The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heating Inc (AIRAH) is a professional, member based institute servicing the air conditioning, heating, refrigeration and building services sector.

About this site

Posted on September 23, 2010

This website and the incorporated cooling tower water efficiency calculator have been developed by AIRAH with support from a wide range of industry stakeholders, water corporations and the Victorian Government.

The project aims to raise water conservation awareness to promote water efficiency in the operation of cooling towers by businesses. The calculator will provide the user with an on-going indication of the water efficiency of their cooling tower relative to its operational capabilities, which can be checked at anytime. Users should always discuss the calculator findings with their water treatment service provider, before taking action to change operational practices.