
Technical manuals

DA17 Cooling Towers

AIRAH’s technical application manual, DA17 Cooling Towers, has been updated for the first time since 1997. The recently released DA17 is the third edition of this indispensable resource and builds on previous editions by including comprehensive information on new cooling tower technologies, management strategies and applications.

In many buildings cooling towers can account for up to 50 per cent of water use, new technologies outlined in this manual minimise tower water consumption.

Anyone owning, operating, designing, building, installing, commissioning, maintaining or assessing a cooling tower should they have a copy of this manual on their bookshelf.

To purchase a copy, please visit the AIRAH online store at

Best practice guidelines

AIRAH Water Conservation in Cooling Towers Best Practice Guideline

This document has been prepared to assist the owners and operators of cooling towers and evaporative cooling systems in reducing the water consumption of cooling systems while retaining required performance.

The intention is to identify the ways in which a cooling tower consumes water and outline a series of best practice recommendations to assist the tower operator or water treatment service provider in the reduction of overall tower water consumption.

Water conservation in Cooling Towers BPG – Download here

Case studies

Case Study Cryovac

Case Study Monash

Case Study Royal Melbourne

Featured articles

Top ten worst practices: cooling towers (HVAC&R Nation – April 2008)

Top ten worst practices: cooling towers: a contractor’s response (HVAC&R Nation – May 2008)

System performance and efficiency in cooling towers seminar (August 2012)

Sustainability in heat rejection Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 – Tim Facius (Baltimore Aircoil Company (BAC))

Optimising cooling water use: The water consumption of 50 cooling towers in Victoria – Sven Denton, M.AIRAH (AquaKlar Analytical Services)

Water efficient cooling towers program – John Fawcett (City West Water)