
AIRAH offer two key training courses in relation to cooling towers:

  • Water conservation for cooling water systems
  • Microbial control – Water and air handling systems

To see the full range of technical training courses AIRAH offer, please visit

Water conservation for cooling water systems

This practical course gives a strong grounding in operation of cooling water systems and the risks associated. You will learn to collect and evaluate system performance data in order to identify problems and opportunities for improvement. Water chemistry, mechanical techniques and risk management strategies will be applied to facilitate the efficient consumption of water, particularly within cooling towers.

Course content

  • Water in Australia
  • Cooling water systems – theory of design and operation
  • Cooling water systems – legislative requirements
  • Water chemistry
  • System management
  • Water conservation strategies
  • Managing risks

Course delivery

This course is delivered in distance education format which has proven a popular option with busy people. It allows participants to study at their own pace and to combine learning with work and other commitments. The distance education format also enables participants from around Australia to take part.

Time to complete is estimated to take 40 hours work.

Course suitable for

  • Water treatment technicians
  • Facility managers
  • HVAC maintenance contractors
  • Plumbers
  • Risk assessment auditors


Candidates are required to submit course work throughout the semester.

Course work will be assessed using the specific assessment criteria to determine the candidate’s competence against the relevant competency standard.

A Statement of Attainment will be awarded to those participants who successfully complete the course. The Statement of Attainment confirms competence in the course subject matter, and is a nationally recognised certificate.

Candidates will be graded using one of the following terms:

C = Competent
NYC = Not yet competent
I = Insufficient evidence
W = Withdrawn
NA = Not complete

Microbial Control – Water and air handling systems

Master the obligations and application of AS/NZS3666 Air-handling and water systems of buildings – Microbial Control and how they impact you.

This course provides an introduction to the science of microbial control in both air and water systems from an engineering perspective. It will help ensure participants are aware of the health risks and legal ramifications of a poorly designed or maintained system, and understand how they can minimise risks.

Course content

Day 1 – Water Systems

  • Australian Standard AS/NZS3666, and state regulations
  • What to do about warm water systems
  • Medical and microbiological features of Legionella and the disease it causes
  • Proper design for total microbial control
  • Water treatment and cooling tower maintenance to achieve ongoing control
  • Risk management principles and how to apply them to cooling water systems

Day 2 – Air handling systems

  • Sources and health effects of indoor air pollutants
  • Conditions in air handling systems that promote the growth of fungi
  • Effects of microbiological contamination in air handling systems
  • Maintenance remedies to control microbial growth

Course suitable for

  • Mechanical design engineers
  • Service and maintenance personnel
  • Environmental health offcers
  • Hospital and hotel engineers
  • Building surveyors
  • Facility managers

The Microbial Control course can also be run at your work place as in-house training. If you have 10-12 people interested in doing the course, please contact AIRAH for more information.